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the seeds, fruit, and oil of the castor plant

How to Use Castor Oil Packs

Lisa Fabian
This content originally appeared on 

Castor oil comes from extracting oil from the seeds of the Ricinus communis plant. This oil has long been praised for its ability to boost liver health.

The best way to use castor oil for the liver is through a castor oil pack. These packs support the detoxification and functioning of the liver—including opening the bile ducts so the liver can dump toxins, reduce inflammation, and improve digestion.

How to Use a DIY Castor Oil Pack

  1. Choose a Castor Oil

    • Look for high-quality, hexane-free, cold-pressed castor oil.
  2. Prepare the Pack

    • Apply enough castor oil to a wool or cotton flannel cloth until the cloth is saturated but not dripping.
    • Be sure the cloth is sized so it covers the liver.
      • The liver rests just underneath the ribcage on the abdomen’s right side above the belly button.
  3. Apply the Pack

    1. Apply the saturated cloth directly to the skin over the liver area.
    2. Place a clean cotton towel over the top of the saturated cloth.
    3. Directly over the towel, place a hot water bottle or heating pad. This heat source:
      • helps the skin absorb the oil
      • soothes the liver and intestines
      • provides a sense of calmness and relaxation

    Castor oil stains, so wear old clothes over a pack.

  4. Let It Work

    • Keep the pack on for one hour.
    • Try not to move about while doing a castor oil pack, so it can stay in place.
      • Use the time to relax: Listen to music, meditate, or just rest. 
  5. After Usage

    • When done with a pack, leave the oil on your skin, or clean it off with a baking soda and water solution.
    • Store the wool or cotton flannel in a container in the fridge. Replace the flannel every four to six weeks.
  6. Use Regularly

    • Castor oil packs work best when used consecutively and cyclically.
      • We recommend four nights on, three nights off.
      • Whenever you can do one, is better than not doing one at all.

Pre-Made Castor Oil Packs

  • Less-mess castor oil packs are available. Some come with cotton inserts for the oil.
    • These packs go over the liver area and strap around the body.
    • They are easy to wear and allow you to move about, and can also be used when sleeping.


Consult with your healthcare practitioner before incorporating castor oil packs into your wellness routine.

  • Skin Irritation

    Some people may experience skin irritation when using castor oil. Perform a small skin patch test before using it for the first time.

  • Pregnancy

    If you’re pregnant or breastfeeding, avoid castor oil packs.

Click to See Our Sources

“Castor oil liver pack: a natural detoxifying solution for health” by L.E. Connealy, Cancer Center for Healing, 8/10/23

“Evidence for the topical application of castor oil” by D.A. Kennedy and D. Keaton, International